CFA-CCAJ India – International !


Hullo everyone! We are from Children’s Film Academy, Kochi, Kerala. We are all from different schools, different locations. But surprisingly, all of us are in the same age range of 11- 12 years. Cinema brings us all together. We are really excited to connect with our friends out there!


1. Aaryan

Class: V
My name is Aaryan. I study in the fifth standard. My hobbies are to draw and read books. I also play keyboard. I want to draw some characters and draw a story. I think this workshop will help us improve our skills.

2. Aiswarya Promod

Class: VII

My name is Aiswarya Promod. My hobbies are to read and watch films. I study in class 7th and my ambition is to become a fashion designer. I am looking forward to direct, act and edit. I like to act the most. My favorite films are the  Harry Potter series.

3. Aryaman Singh Bais

Class: VI

Hobbies: Origami, Creative Writing, Photography, Nature Photography

Role: Camera person, story writer

Ambition: Naval Pilot

What I expect from this workshop :I expect to learn more about film making and about the aspects of a film.

4. Leonardo Alex

I’m Leonardo Alex. My hobby is making short films. I like making movies because it’s fun and I like learning the craft of filmmaking. I enjoy editing, recording, acting, directing when I make my short films. My other friends are my co-actors.
My YouTube channel name is Leoskits.
Ambition: I want to be a director.
Expectation: I want to learn more advanced skills in filmmaking and I’m looking forward to seeing if my movies can get some exposure.

4. Meera Hari

Class: VII

My hobby is Reading and Photography.

About reading, my friends call me a bookworm. I love Photography because the one thing that describes me is an amazing photographer. I have taken a lot of pictures.
My ambition is to become a lawyer.
I think this workshop is pretty good and the introduction helped me a lot and I think I can apply my photography talents here. I’m very excited and I’m looking forward to shooting a movie.

5. Niharika Rajesh

Class: VI

Hi, My name is Niharika and I’m eleven years old. My hobbies are reading, drawing, watching movies and sleeping! I hope to grow up and work in Google or Pixar as a doodle artist or as an animator or maybe both! I like to hang out with my friends and I hope to have a lot of animation or at least a storyboarding exercise in this workshop.

6. Niranjan Aneesh

Hi, I am Niranjan Aneesh. I study in the fifth standard. My hobbies are to read, write stories and screenplays. The introduction was cool and I believe the sessions will be better.
It’s hard to imagine me in a movie, but after the introduction, it seems very amazing.

7. Smriti Khuntia

Class: VI

Hobbies: Writing scripts, Doing dramas with my brother, Playing tennis, reading books
Reason: I like directing dramas and movies. I want to be a director and a scriptwriter because I want to create a leadership quality in myself. (My school was going to stage a drama for the annual day,  Romeo and Juliet. But it got canceled it, so to make myself happy, I am here!)
My ambition: Tennis player, Director
I expect:  Best child director award for myself for a perfect movie!

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2 réponses à CFA-CCAJ India – International !

  1. GABRIEL " Atelier Bompas" dit :

    Je m’appelle Gabriel , je vis en France.J’ai bien aimé les courts-métrages que vous avez faits, surtout celui avec l’avion. Bravo!

  2. GABRIEL " Atelier Bompas" dit :

    Je m’appelle Gabriel, je vis en France. J ‘ai bien aimé vos courts-métrages, surtout celui avec l’avion. Bravo!

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