Completing Exercise 1

Nyah, Luke, Kaitlyn and Charley with their paintings.

For Exercise 1, we had to discuss a painting with a partner and decide what people in the painting were feeling and what they were doing.  Next, each pair were taken one at a time to record what they had been discussing.  Finally, the  whole class listened to the recordings and voted to select the two clips to be taken to Berlin to show to teachers and film tutors from other countries.

Evie, Grace and Lauren explain what they thought of the process, “Despite being challenging we managed to pick out the key information and accomplished the task. Sandie, our Film Tutor recorded our voices as we talked about our painting. We really enjoyed  this task and we learned how to identify key features of a painting. We learned how to identify the situation, the people involved, their emotions and body language as well as the setting.”

Nyah and Luke worked together as a pair. Luke said “We learned that many skills were needed for this task. For example you needed to be able to identify the main objectives of the painting. We also learned to look deeper into the painting meaning, not just  looking at the characters.”

Nyah and Luke’s recording and Kaitlyn and Charley’s recording are the two that will be taken to the Berlin meeting in February.

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Une réponse à Completing Exercise 1

  1. Nikolas dit :

    Sounds interesting! What did you like the most about this exercise?

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