And here is our Exercise 3

We had a few of our ideas from Ex 2 still to be explored.  They needed to be developed. But one idea seemed to fit Exercise 3 quite well: it could be done in different locations, with different characters. It was a combination of elements from two different ideas presented by the participants. Everyone agreed that we should go for it.  This is the movie we got:

Exercise 3A

Exercise 3B


The Day of the Shooting

Snapshots of the hard work and funny moments when the ball the ‘actor’ was throwing in the air, did not return to the balcony on the first floor! When the ball kept rolling away …




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Une réponse à And here is our Exercise 3

  1. Luc "atelier de bompas" dit :

    J’aime bien la scène finale car l’enfant innocent ne ce fait pas grondé.
    Je trouve l’histoire juste.

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