Legsby Film Club


Hi, my name’s Daniel (but people call me Dan).

I’m am 10 years old. My hobbies are playing Xbox, Tig and British Bulldog, I live in a small village that has a forest and we recently used it for filming.  I enjoy filming and I’m hopefully getting a camera for Christmas! Through this experience I have learnt so much about cameras, editing and technology in general.


Sam small

Hi my name is Sam, I’m in year five and I’m 9 years old. My favourite subject is Mathematics  and I go to Cubs in Wragby. I also like finding out new things and collecting badges for my achievements. I also like playing at my local park too. This is my first year in film club and I like it.

Lewis small

Hi, my name is Lewis.

I am ten years old. I love acting, filming, and editing. My favourite games are British Bulldog, Tig, and a game I made up with my friends called Five Second Freeze. I am happy to be in Film Club.

Kitty small

Hi, my name is kitty

and I am 9 years old. My favourite hobby is gymnastics. I really enjoy film. Film is one of the best opportunities because it is fun and you learn good skills!

Euen small

Hi my name is Euan

I like to play cards I love football , our group varies from age 9 to 11.As a school we play  British Bulldog, which is a traditional playground game.My favourite subject is science especially anything connected with space. I like to  watch films  and this is my first year in Film Club.

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