Archives mensuelles : juin 2021

Montagem do filme O Parque

Film Editing: O Parque

Catégorie : En classe, Film-essai | Laisser un commentaire

Tournage et Post-production

Shooting day 1

On the first day of shooting we met quite early. Although it was our first day and everything was brand new and exciting, we couldn’t waste any time because in the evening all the scenes had to be ready except for the campfire shot. We were all still totally inexperienced in filming and, with the initial support of our teachers, gradually learned how to use a professional camera and sound recording equipment. We were able to put ourselves more and more into the everyday life of a real director and his film team, when we needed endless time even for short and insignificant scenes to finally have the finished perfect product. Reciting the same lines over and over again, performing the same camera movements and for example hearing the phrase: « Scene 4, attempt 34 » eventually became totally normal for all of us.
We scoured the nearby surroundings on our bicycles for suitable backdrops, totally forgot to eat anything during all the effort and thus became more and more tired and silly. Despite all this, you could see how we grew together over the day into an almost professionally rehearsed team: Rosa and Clara as talented actors, Basti as sound man, Valentin, Sammy-Jo and Lotta alternately with the camera and Vitus and Juliette as directors. Throughout the shooting we all switched tasks, that everyone could experience the different sides of filmmaking. The last scene in the late evening, which Rosa, Vitus and Lotta took over, finally ended in a sleet storm.  Lotta


Jouer un rôle

A few days before we started filming we had already practised some scenes. Nonetheless it was much more difficult to play them in front of the camera since we had to think of an authentic dialog and act more precisely and realistically. We often had to shoot scenes several times, especially the scene in which Elisa and Magdalena are arguing and each time it got harder to stay focused. As we got more and more tired it got harder and harder not to laugh. The last scene was also a big challenge for us personally because it shows so many different emotions in one take. But despite all the challenges, it was a lot of fun. Rosa und Clara


At first, I thought about 4 chords, which were cheerful and full of tension. After choosing these chords, I composed a simple melody with an increasing pace. The swelling music should emphasize the rhythm change in the film.  Sebastian

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Recherche d’emplacement

Chemin forestier

To find memorable locations, I took my bike and went through different areas in the woods. After about one hour of searching, I recognized a little lake with a lot of reeds, which seemed mystical and exciting.
Besides the lake, I found many memorable paths where the forest was very dense and the trees looked engrossing.  Sebastian

Escalier de ville

In the process of deciding for a story we went to search for possible filming spots. These fotos show our collection of photos of stairs we searched for all over Berlin. Those stairs represented a possibility to show time in the sense of showing dynamic between two people, one upstairs and the other downstairs. (dynamic tension). Though we didn’t use them in the end, they do show the progress we made, ditching and accepting ideas.  Elena

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Rodagem do filme final « O Parque »

Final Film Shooting : O Parque

Catégorie : Film-essai | Laisser un commentaire

Preparação e repérage do filme ensaio

Preparation and repérage of the final film

Catégorie : Divers, En classe, Film-essai | Laisser un commentaire

Montagem do filme Sabina

Film Editing: Sabina

Catégorie : En classe, Film-essai | Laisser un commentaire

Rodagem do filme final « Sabina »

Final Film Shooting : Sabina

Catégorie : Film-essai | Laisser un commentaire

Preparação e repérage do filme ensaio

Preparation and repérage of the final film


Repérage/ Filme


Repérage/ Filme


Repérage/ Filme

Catégorie : Divers, En classe, Film-essai | Laisser un commentaire

Rodagem do filme final Lola Lola (29 e 30 de maio)


“Apesar do calor abrasador, a equipa manteve o seu ânimo e a rodagem foi divertida. O que eu mais gostei de fazer foi o som, porque descobri que há muito mais do que eu esperava. ” (Madalena)

“Despite the scorching heat, the team kept their spirits up and the shooting was fun. What I enjoyed doing the most was the sound, because I found that there is so much more to it than I expected.  » (Madalena)

“O que eu mais gostei de fazer foi a realização e a câmara, porque nunca tinha experimentado. Gostei daquele ritual todo de fazer a bolha, fazer o foco, escolher o diafragma, pôr a gravar…” (João)

“What I most enjoyed doing was the directing and the camera, because I had never experienced it. I liked that whole ritual of making the bubble, focusing, choosing the diaphragm, recording…” (João)

“Eu gostei muito do tema deste ano, o tempo. Fez-me mais sentido do que o do ano passado que era as sensações. E gostei muito como integrámos alguns excertos que vimos nas coisas que filmámos, como os usámos como exemplos para o que queríamos filmar.

Na rodagem, gostei imenso de fazer anotação, de apontar tudo, fazer os desenhos. Também fui atriz, o que foi uma novidade. É estranho ver a minha cara no écran… não sei se gosto, provavelmente não gosto. E é muito diferente estar à frente da câmara e não atrás, porque temos só a nossa sensação do que estamos a fazer e só depois, quando vemos as filmagens, vemos o que ficou. ” (Francisca)

“I really liked this year’s theme, the weather. It made more sense to me than last year which was the sensations. And I really liked how we integrated some excerpts that we saw into the things we shot, how we used them as examples for what we wanted to film.

In shooting, I really enjoyed taking notes, pointing out everything, drawing the drawings. I was also an actress, which was a novelty. It’s weird to see my face on the screen… I don’t know if I like it, I probably don’t. And it’s very different being in front of the camera and not behind, because we only have our sense of what we’re doing and only then, when we see the footage, we see what’s left. ” (Francisca)

“O fim de semana da rodagem foi super divertido. Gostei imenso de fazer o som e de fazer o som com o Simão.” (Carolina)

“The shooting weekend was super fun. I really enjoyed making the sound and making the sound with Simão.” (Carolina)

“No início eu estava um bocado perdida, não estava à espera que nos fosse dada tanta liberdade, mas isso foi muito fixe.

O que eu mais gostei de fazer foi a câmara. Primeiro porque percebi como funciona e depois porque percebi que consigo, com a câmara, transformar o que estou a ver. É a mesma imagem, mas eu consigo transformá-la através da luz, do foco. Eu olho à volta e absorvo tudo, mas ali estou abstraída de todos os sentidos, fico só com a visão e transformo a imagem. Até parecia que não estava bem ali…” (Clara)

“At the beginning I was a bit lost, I wasn’t expecting to be given so much freedom, but that was really cool.

What I most enjoyed doing was the camera. First because I understood how it works and then because I realized that I can, with the camera, transform what I’m seeing. It’s the same image, but I can transform it through light, through focus. I look around and absorb everything, but there I am abstracted from all the senses, I am left with only the vision and I transform the image. It even looked like it wasn’t right there…” (Clara)

“Gostei muito do andamento da rodagem e gosto como no filme conseguimos que cada personagem tenha o seu ritmo.  E também gostei muito na rodagem da imprevisibilidade, muito por causa da Lola, de no momento termos de arranjar alternativas. Também adorei fazer som com a Carolina.” (Simão)

“I really liked the progress of the shooting and I like how in the film we managed to make each character have their own rhythm. And I also really liked shooting the unpredictability, a lot because of Lola, that at the moment we had to find alternatives. I also loved making music with Carolina.” (Simão)

Catégorie : Film-essai | Laisser un commentaire

Scénario du film essai « Bas les masques ! »

Bas les masques !

Tout commence par une journée « normale » dans une classe de CM2. Les élèves participent avec leur maîtresse à un atelier d’écriture poétique à partir du poème « Liberté » de Paul Eluard. Certains d’entre eux acceptent de lire quelques strophes des poésies personnelles qu’ils ont écrites en hommage à Hubert Germain, dernier compagnon de la Libération. C’est un moment très riche en émotion… Mais la cloche sonne et vient le moment de la récréation, les enfants se rangent afin de se rendre rapidement dans la cour. Ils organisent alors un jeu de ballon : la balle américaine. Quelques uns préfèrent rester à l’écart et discuter sur un banc. C’est le cas de Charles qui quitte un moment son ami Mathieu pour aller aux toilettes. Mais quand il en ressort, plus un bruit, plus un geste. Ses camarades sont figés, inanimés. Il passe à travers eux, les secoue, les regarde. Rien ! Tout à coup le groupe s’avance menaçant vers lui et l’encercle. Charles prend ses jambes à son cou et s’enfuit. Mais il est déjà trop tard, c’est alors terrifié qu’il découvre un visage masqué derrière une vitre… Il court, court à en perdre haleine, dévale les escaliers à toute vitesse afin de se réfugier dans sa classe. Il pense être enfin à l’abri mais malheureusement, le personnage masqué portant une capuche et une cape noire l’attend et s’avance tout doucement vers lui pour lui parler : « Les apparences sont souvent trompeuses Charles ! Ne deviens pas ami avec quelqu’un que tu ne connais pas.». Il s’assoit puis retire sa capuche et son masque affreux. Son visage apparaît alors maquillé en blanc. Il commence à se démaquiller tout doucement et se met à éclater de rire ! C’est à ce moment là que Charles reconnaît son meilleur ami Mathieu qui lui demande de regarder le tableau ! Charles se retourne et découvre la date « jeudi 1er avril 2021 » ainsi que de magnifiques petits poissons en papier multicolores. « Mais oui, c’est le 1er avril aujourd’hui, c’était une blague ! Je t‘ai bien eu ! » Charles se met à rire à son tour tout en se disant : « Oh mais oui, comment n’y ai-je pas pensé ? »

Les apprentis cinéastes de la classe de CM2 de l’école Chaptal

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