Exercício 2

Para filmar o sentido do tacto vendámos a Rita, que ia tirando de um gorro, vários objectos: “Eu demorava muito tempo com cada coisa porque estava mesmo a sentir e a ver se percebia o que era através do tacto.”

To film the sense of touch, we blindfolded Rita, who was taking several objects out of a hat: « I took a long time with each thing because I was really feeling and seeing if I could perceive what it was through touch. »

Para filmar o sentido do paladar vendámos o Diogo e a Rita ia-lhe dando coisas à boca: umas salgadas, umas ácidas, umas doces: “ Algumas coisas eu nunca tinha comido e sabiam-me mal, outras eu gosto muito como chocolate.”

To film the sense of taste we blindfolded Diogo, and Rita was giving him things in his mouth: some salty, some sour, some sweet: « Some things I had never eaten and they tasted bad, others I really like such as chocolate. »

Filmámos só um take de cada plano porque queríamos filmar as reações espontâneas.

We shot only one take of each because we wanted to film the spontaneous reactions.


O sentido da visão filmámos numa manhã, fomos para um lugar descampado ao pé da escola. Cada um filmava dois planos e depois mostrava o último à próxima pessoa que ia filmar. Na montagem guardámos a ordem dos planos, só cortamos o tempo.

The sense of vision we filmed one morning, we went to an open place near the school. Each one filmed two shots and then showed the last to the next person who was going to shoot. In the film editing we kept the order of the plans, we just cut the time.

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