Archives mensuelles : mai 2019

Préparation du film-essai

Trouver l’idée

Pour le scénario de notre film, nous voulions repartir de l’idée qui est née lors de l’exercice 3. A savoir: un garçon admire, envie le corps d’une fille, au point de vouloir l’imiter.

Pour autant, la difficulté de notre scénario était de vouloir faire comprendre que ce garçon n’était pas obligatoirement amoureux, et ne voulait pas non plus devenir forcément une fille; du moins, nous ne voulions pas creuser ce terrain là. Nous voulions surtout qu’il se crée une véritable admiration de lui envers elle, et faire ressentir à quel point cette admiration façonne sa façon d’être. Cette fille deviendrait une sorte de modèle pour exister soi-même.

L’idée est venue du fait qu’à l’adolescence, on a tendance à être souvent en représentation et à regarder l’autre pour exister. On observe l’autre et on s’observe soi pour se développer. Le regard sur l’autre devient un enjeu pour s’apprécier soi-même.

La phase d’écriture

Pourtant, l’écriture a été très compliquée pour arriver à créer un enjeu entre nos 2 personnages sans que ce regard du garçon sur la fille ne soit qu’anecdotique.  Filmer le garçon observant la fille, à répétition, n’était en soi pas intéressant. Il fallait inventer des situations  pour que se crée un enjeu pour chaque personnage. Il fallait faire ressentir l’admiration pour la fille, mais aussi ce que cela crée comme changement pour le garçon, tout en faisant aussi évoluer la fille. Il fallait que ce regard porté sur elle, vienne aussi la transformer, ou du moins créer une relation entre nos 2 personnages. Ils pourraient ainsi devenir complices.

Nous avons travaillé pendant 3 séances à l’écriture. Ce fut long, parfois décourageant, avec les vacances d’avril qui sont venues couper notre travail.

Finalement, ayant terminé l’écriture tardivement, à la rentrée, il y a aussi des éléments qui ont été trouvés au fur et à mesure du tournage et en dernière séance d’écriture: comme l’idée, proposée par Charles, d’introduire un carnet, ce qui nous permettait de rentrer dans les pensées intimes de notre personnage principal.

Notre tournage

Voici quelques photos de notre tournage qui s’est déroulé sur 3 jours ( notre effectif a été divisé en 3 sous-groupes pour être moins nombreux sur le travail des séquences).

Tournage au self pour le groupe 3


Tournage au foyer des lycéens pour le groupe 2


Tournage de notre scène finale. groupe 1

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Second day of our shooting

Second day we filmed everything in one location- our beautiful town’s forest. First, we were discusing how we were going to shoot forest scenes, things like what the actors gonna do exactly, we talked about shot angles and etc. Then we started filming, everything was going fine, until out of the blue, unexpected problem has arisen. When there was a scene we had to shoot near the lake, a swan started swimming, coming our way. We thoungt she might be friendly, but then suddenly the swan started making aggresive sounds, like she wanted to protect her territory- the lake. The whole team got scared, so we stoped shooting immediately and gone away further from the lake.  She just kept standing there were we wanted to shoot, so we decided to make loud sounds, with the thought she might get scared. Guess what, it didn’t work. Then, we thought of another tactic, we became silent. That worked and the swan got away from us, although not for the whole time.

Here is our discution part photo






The famous friendly swan


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First day of our movie shooting

The first day of our shooting was in two location- train station and train itself. Because it was the beggining of our filming process at first it was difficult, we didn’t knew how to work fast and productively. We were going back and fourth at the beggining a lot, we changed our minds often how to film our first shots.












Then we took a break to eat some kebab and we got back on track even more energized. And this is our photo of us eating:)

After shooting in train station, we took a train to Kaunas city direction to shoot in the train. It was quite difficult because we forgot our camera stand, so operator had to be careful not to move the camera too much. After about 20 minutes of shooting, we got out of the train in some small town, then we realised that we had about half an hour before our train to our hometown arrives, so we decided to wonder around that small, quite mysterious city. When we were going back to our homecity it was dark outiside, but we still managed to film some beautiful shoots in the train. Here are some photos:



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Algirdas Brazauskas gymnasium

Our school is the only one gymnasium in our town. It has been called by one of our presidents, Algirdas Brazauskas. There are about 400 students in our school. Here we have really different spaces, which are for academic, sport and art activities. This year our school will celebrate its 94 years birthday.


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Our town is Kaišiadorys

Kaišiadorys is a small town,but its really cozy. Town is between our two biggest cities Vilnius and Kaunas. Train station is a symbol of Kaišiadorys, because our train station connects other cities and towns. Vilnius and Kaunas.



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My name is Greta. I live in Lithuania, Kaisiadorys. I’m 17 years old. I’m studying to Algirdas Brazauskas gymnasium. Situation that I don’t like is when you are walking with a friend and then you say bye to her/him, but then you realize that both of you are going in the same direction, I don’t like it just because it feels very awkward.

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My name is Dovilė Suslavičiūtė. I’m 15 years old, I’m in my grade, I live and study in Kaišiadorys. I like the situation when someone asks me to take a picture of them. But the situation I do not like when a car carelessly drives through the puddle and it splashes me.

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My name is Austeja I live in Lithuania, Kaisiadorys. I am 17 year old. I go to Algirdas Brazauskas gymnasium. Situation that I do not like is when people are late.

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Hi I’m Rimantė. I’m 17 years old. I study in Algirdas Brazauskas Gymnasium Kaišiadorys, Lithuania. I travel with my friends or family. And it’s even better if it happens spontaneously. Someone says let’s go somewhere and I’m more happy to do so.

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Hi, my name is Rugilė and I’m 17 years old. Sometimes it’s hard to explain or understand who I am, but I like watching the world and discovering myself in it.I like the situation when you feel a connection  with a person. Whether it’s your close friend or an unfamiliar companion. And you don’t really need to talk a lot or do something special. Just a simple  moment between people.

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